Your IAN Membership Number (Please enter only the digits, without 0 at the beginning eg. LM-091 enters 91)
Your Email id OR Mobile Number registered with IAN
You will receive a 4 digit OTP on your mobile (via SMS) and email. PLEASE DO NOT CLOSE THIS PAGE OR PRESS THE BACK BUTTON OF THE BROWSER. If you re-login, a new OTP will be generated. Overseas IAN Life Members, with international mobile number, will receive OTP via their Registered email id only.
Enter the OTP and click on Validate OTP
You will be directed to ballot paper, where all positions for which elections are being held, along with number of seats and candidates contesting for each post will be visible.
To view profile of any candidate, click on candidate’s name.
Click on to the right of the candidate name to vote for that candidate. If you login using your phone, you may have to scroll to the right, to view the and select the candidate
Once you have selected all candidates you want to vote for, across all positions, click on Submit. You can submit your ballot for all positions in IAN Elections 2024 only ONCE.
You will receive a confirmatory SMS regarding submission of your ballot
*Only life members whose applications have been approved before 12 midnight of April 15th, 2024 will be eligible to vote.*
To check that your email id and mobile number are updated in IAN records, please do the following:
Login to your account on IAN website using
Your LM number
Your Email OR Mobile number (Only valid for 10 digit mobile number)
Important to note that, updating your email id and mobile number is permitted only upto 30st September 2024.